Just some random thoughts on librarianship, photography, cooking, life, liberty, and the pursuit of anything that sounds interesting.
Friday, October 25, 2013
Flapjack - Man's Best Friend - and a Great flickr subject
I have been happily participating in flickr's Project365 since June 12, 2008.
The premise is quite simple. Take at least one photo a day and post them to flickr. You do not have to do it every day - but get them online and posted before too long. I often batch load them for 5 days at a time.
I was inspired to do this by a wonderful friend Elizabeth Thomsen(who is also a librarian). Not sure what got me to start on June 12, 2008, but it soon became part of my daily routine.
What is interesting is how the family changed their opinion of this activity. At first, we could have powered a small town from the energy in rolling of the eyes. When I moved past one year into year two - there was some questioning, but they let it go. The beautiful element of digital photography is that besides the capital investment into a camera, the ongoing costs are so very cheap. As a kid, I would have taken millions of photographs, but the cost of developing the film kept me from fully expressing myself. That and my mom would kill me for spending all our money at the camera shop!
Now, we (as a family) are somewhat enthusiastic about Project365. Maybe that is my Polyanna POV, but in recent weeks, we would see something and my wife or my son would say "Picture of the Day?" This is what happened when we saw them work on the new scoreboard at Michigan Stadium (Ann Arbor)
or today when we saw Turkey Vultures collecting on the roof of a vacant house
or eating at Blimpy Burger - an Ann Arbor Institution
While you often have a good idea in your travels for a Picture of the Day, many, many days you do not. That is where it is helpful to have pets. Our wonderful Beagle Flapjack has been my Project365 subject 179 times in the 1000+ days since June 2008.
So these are not brilliant, but they document my life. When I forget everything else, I will have these to look through. Here are all the Project365 photos of our wonderful dog!
Slideshow of Flapjack's Project365 Photos:
Here are links to the sets that comprise my participation in Project365.
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