Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Social Media Links (LEAD Presentation 7/23/13)

Links for the presentation on Social Media and Information for the Ross School of Business LEAD program on 7/23/13 by Corey Seeman. Squirrel at the University of Michigan (May 24th & 25th, 2012) Squirrel Pancake on campus at The University of Michigan.

Social Media Resources:

Kresge Library Guide to Social Media

Overview of Social Media:

Use Kresge Resources from links above Pew - The Demographics of Social Media Users — 2012 Pew - Coming and Going on Facebook (2013) Why people leave facebook - Huge amount of abandonment in Social Media.

Findability - a flickr story:

Corey's Photostream Their use in the world.... Alumni Association of the University of Michigan (facebook page) - here is the Original Picture Scientific Method / Science & Exploration - Weird Science keeps careful track of its medicinal brownies (Ars Technica article) National Youth Orchestra of the USA World's Most Delayed Airports (#8 - DFW) NOTE: An illustrated list compiled by some organization which uses pictures you found...NOT NEWS... How to get out there? It is all about tagging. Making things findable

Building Communities

Mosaic Feline Refuge
  • Connect diverse communities
  • Share news
  • Solicit help
  • Report new kittens or adoptions
  • Report sad news
  • Share pictures
Previously, this could be done with a newsletter. Vastly improve the ability to share news more quickly. Kresge Library facebook page Why join twitter - Dalai Lama ‏@DalaiLama 8 Jul When you concern yourself with others, you naturally develop a sense of self-confidence. To help others takes courage and inner strength.


Twitter Statistics: Overall Twitter Stats My twitter stats See also eMarketer

News and Social Media

Trending stories on twitter - one way I find out about news as it is breaking. I balance the speed with the decreased reliability and accuracy. Yesterday's big stories:
  • Dennis Farina Died - Around 1:20pm via twitter
  • OSU football RB Carol Hyde dismissed
  • #RoyalBaby
  • Ryan Braun
Asiana Airlines Flight 214 crashing on landing at SFO (July 6, 2013). Twitter was way ahead of convention media Tweet by author Neil Gaiman: “Neil Gaiman ‏@neilhimself 6 Jul They still haven't officially told us on this plane why we aren't flying to sfo. But we have told each other. Thank you twitter.” Not all is good... One Comeback They Could Skip (Celebrity deaths announced via twitter)

Potentially More Harm Than Help

Think of a young Justin Beiber... Johnny Manziel and his twitter quote Manziel Tweeted, "(Expletive) like tonight is a reason why I can't wait to leave College Station.... Whenever it may be" Rachel Ryan - “Employers will check facebook before offering you a jobMashable - 10 People Who Lost Jobs Over Social Media Chrysler tweet Knee-jerk response: -"Someone hacked my account" -"Delete the tweet" (almost always draws more reaction and attention)

How to Thrive on Social Media as an Individual or Organization

Daily Show - Hillary Clinton Joins Twitter Five Rules: 1. Don’t Tweet Your Junk 2. Don’t Be Boring 3. Seriously, Don’t Tweet Your Junk 4. Don’t Be Weird 5. Highlight Your Superpowers (but set limitations) Social Media Best Practices For Organizations Squirrel Pancake last week during Art Fair 38/365/1864 (July 19, 2013) - Squirrel at the University of Michigan (July 19, 2013)

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Little Field Mouse (reunited with the field...Saline, Michigan)

There was an annoying ad a number of years back for a Real Estate company where the Realtor rattled off four of five things she did - prompting her companion to say "busy day". The Realtor replied "Busy Morning". That is how my day started. Cosmo

The Hero of the Day (sorta)

This morning (Saturday July 20, 2013), Cosmo the cat was darting back and forth and making a noise that usually comes with trying to get something...I thought he was crazy as usual, until I saw a tiny mouse dart out from under the couch in the beach room and then back under. For around five minutes, they played...well, cat and mouse. I blocked the door to the rest of the house and was hoping I would have a chance to get the mouse. Finally, the mouse made a run for the door to the garage. I quickly opened the door and the mouse ran out - story over...right? Have you ever seen a movie where the clear bad guy gets caught half way through - and you are thinking...well, there is no way that this is the end. Think Star Trek Into Darkness and a million other movies...so was my story over, well not really. The hero of the day - one cat named Cosmo - ran into the garage, grabbed the mouse and brought him back INTO the house. He jumped over the door block and ran into the living room. Really...this was an inside job!!!!!!!!!! After some hiding, and a few more minutes, I was able to get the mouse trapped under a side table next to the stairs. Using the box from our new cell Samsung Galaxy III phones (which are now - two days in - already twice as useful as our old phones), I was able to trap said mouse and bring him back to the field. Since the picture of the day rarely presents itself before 7am...felt it was important to capture. So Cosmo was not doing this for anything but play...well, cat and mouse. Note to self - Cosmo needs better cat toys. Little Field Mouse (reunited with the field...Saline, Michigan)

The mouse in the box outside

Little Field Mouse (reunited with the field...Saline, Michigan)

The mouse in the box outside

Little Field Mouse (reunited with the field...Saline, Michigan)

A very useful cell phone box!